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Bard College

00:00 / 00:52

Bard College…that was an experience of a lifetime. I remember it just like yesterday.  Every time the 

summertime comes,  there’s a little feeling in your heart that there’s no Bard. 

You took students out of one environment put them in another, show them that there’s something else, which I think is good because if you don’t see this, you have no idea. You took us from a city environment, with a lot of traffic, distractions, placed us in a college environment, more time to get focused, peaceful environment that you can set forth goals and accomplish.

A rigorous schedule from 8 in the morning that ended at 10 at night when you go to sleep. And that was an experience, doing real science, just not sitting in the classroom. This is hands-on experience catching butterflies in a creek, writing, I think I did some of my best writing at Bard.

Co-creating conditions for young people to thrive. Both the natural habitat (especially for urban youth) and the aesthetics of a college culture was just the right mix of exposure. Bard Summer Academies were transformative experiences for many as well made the  the image of higher education more tenable and real.

  • When have you had a learning experience either in school or outside formal schooling that felt like a significant  accomplish-ment where you felt changed. 

  • Discussion:  design a summer experience for young adolescents  that takes them out of their comfort zones while exposing them to a different culture ? What would they be doing? How would this contribute to the development of character and self-awareness?

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