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Turning 21

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"Last week, I just turned twenty-one, May 29th. When I was 15-16,  twenty-one wasn't a vision. It's just something that I thought I wouldn't see because of my environment. My neighborhood, when I was like 14, 15 was a bad neighborhood.

Just recently, I started to think about my future. In the future, I see myself definitely doing something that's relating with kids, that involves kids. To give people the same opportunity that certain adults have given me. To make options aware to them, that people have done to myself. I see myself very happy. I see myself teaching."


To grow up with a target on your back. In the civilized world of everyday violence.Who amongst you has lost a friend or family member to violence? And yet To boldly imagine unimaginable futures with our students Of making a life that is purposeful and mutually rewarding.


  • Who amongst you has lost a friend or family member to violence? 

  • What does having a future mean to you?

  • What could it mean emotionally and socially to grow up not believing in the future?


  • Discussion: Turn to a partner and than as a foursome at your table (or in break out rooms) and discuss: 

       How do we ensure we tap and instill a sense of possibility (future) in every student we                      encounter? What does that look  like in our schools and community spaces?

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